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Yupiit: Eye of Both Worlds

Best Documentary

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Best Native American Documentary

Stephanie Alton Wins Award in in IndieFEST Film Awards(La Jolla, CA, Nov. 5, 2021,)- "Yupiit: Eye of Both Worlds", a Raven's Eye Productions film has won a prestigious Award of Merit for Best Indigenous Film from the IndieFEST Film Awards.

Best in Traditions Film

Bozeman International Film Festival

" It was a pleasure meeting you and watching your amazing film." - Matt Cameron (Director of the Bozeman International Film Festival) 2023

Best Original Music

Western Canadian Film festival 2022

Former NBC Producer Lloyd Fales

"You created a really beautiful, poetic and authentic film. I love all the characters, the dancing, music and the lore of the Raven. It's awesome!"

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